Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Theory of negativity

I have a theory; actually i have many theories (despite being a practical person ;-) )....
I have this theory that many a times we say the exact opposite of what we want... i have believed in it for quite sometime now... like when you want someone to tell you you are looking good today... you say "i think i am looking awful today" (to add the effect you might even add and i am feeling awful too)... if the target audience is correct you are bound to get a "Oh comeon! i think you are lookign marvellous today" in response.... it happens everyday everywhere.... we all know this... this is my theory of negativity..... If you happen to be a team lead it will be good to be able to recognise these "negative" baits thrown to you and appreciate the team member ;-)
There is a next level to this theory ... may be the masters level....this level is what is more common and easier to miss.... infact most of the times missed.... it's like there is this pathetic documentation that needs to be done; you ask one of your more efficient team members to do half of it... he she might say is tehre no one else to do it or sth on these lines which is almost a direct no... then after realising you stand by what you said; the team member might say if i am doing half of it... i might as well do the other half... anyway it wouldn't take time; it needs no brains to do it!
By this they actually mean u asking me to do a dud's work... have u no sense? leave it i will do it all (like your mom said after she asked u to clean ur room and u refused sometimes she would say allrite in that case i will clean it for you... which was a sure sign of better do it now!)

Why I am talking about this theory is, that i prefer it when things are said in the right way rather than when they are said in the opposite way... i would rather someone say "hey i am looking good today rt?" than "i know i am looking ugly"... but i have realised despite not liking it i tend to use it once in a while.... and also, seems like i am at the expert level of practising this so no one falls to my bait!! and then i feel sad.... and then i realise that i asked for it and i feel even sadder...
by the end it becomes so complicated that i dont realise what made me sadder; what i wanted did not happen; or teh other person didnt realise what i wnated or i know my relations so "un-well" taht i dont even know who will know what i really want and who wouldn't....
but Thank God for the complications at least i forget what made me sad initially which is really the root cause and therefore everything else evaporates too!!!!

P.S1: If the above didnt make sense.... well while i was writing it; it felt sensible
P.S2: The basis for the above theory is a survey * and the observations made by the "surveyed".

* done on exactly one person - me


Unknown said...

aaahhh...!!!! still trying to figure out whts it exactly abt... but cant hold myself from asking onething... what has made u enter the field of writing.. i mean though on personal levels i feel tht this indeed can be launch pad for entering the world of professional writing ;)
dont knw but felt like asking, so did!

Unknown said...

i dont know... well may be i will save my "thank you" "acceptance" speech for when i win the pulitzer or sth ;)

ashoo_aks said...

Ouucchh.. ummmhhh... aaah..!Seems too complicated to comprehend at thishour.. maybe will try sm odr time..!

Unknown said...

hahaha!!!! dont work so hard dear ;-)