Saturday, July 14, 2007

i like...

after a good coffee in very good weather (read nice not humind wind blowing hard enough to mess your hair) i was walking back home, and it was quite late (by residential area standards) so the streets were mostly deserted, save a car or 2 on the main road....
generally on weekends if not doing anything else i like to take a book and my nano and go sit at the nearby starbucks during the evening,,... this is just what i had done today although the evening had started a but late (around 8 PM local time)
and i realised i like the empty streets and roads so much... specially when the weather is good.... i was almost walking with a spring in my step and singing the song that was playing (i am one of the worst singers i know) at a not so "humming" volume and dancing to it.....
i like the whole setting .... i wish it happened more often.... atleast more often than the "non work" weekdays!!!

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