Wednesday, July 25, 2007

alternate end...

although i hate to admit it... but i realised recentl... i might be a harry potter fan... i have seen all the movies and read all the books (save the last and final which i started reading yesterday)... this might classify me as a fan... to tell you the truth i ws actually waitng for movie 5 and book 7... may be curiosity... frankly i dont think it is a great book or some great author... just interesting.... nonsense... but interesting and captivating non sense... and i read nonsense all the time (thanks to all my freinds keeping me posted with 'latest forwards') so i like reading these books....
much before HP 7 was released i had got a soft copy of the book ( i hate to admit this also) and i had read it... and i almost believed it to be the original (who else can write 650 pages of nonsense... more than that why would somebody) obviously i was proven wrong and it was the fake version i had.... although in that HP had lived....
My boss (client side) loved telling me HP will die and Voldemort will live and i loved opposing him.... we would have this discussion almost daily (for atleast 2 weeks before HP 7 was released) he would come up with various possibilities... starting from HP will turn bad and Voldemort is the real good guy... to both will die and their sons will fight... to harry will die voldemort will live (evil always wins) nd Ron and hermione will rt the 'Legend of Harry potter'....
but the otehr day i felt if in the real book harry actually dies i wouldnt like it.... i seriously wouldnt... i really wanted harry to live... and i thought if he dies then i will right my own version of HP or believe the fake one inwhich he lives..... after all he is just a character.... tried convincing myself it doesn't matetr.... couldn't.....
i just had to think Rowling will make him live... and i was astonished at myself.... a character and i could only believe the fate Rowling had for him... not make up one on my own.... i still cant get over it... its so strange...

P.S: one of my freinds suggested an alternate end... harry dies fighting voldemort;
then he wakes up, in his broom cupboard is still 11 years old... and smiles at his imagination while Aunt Petunia is shouting at him to come and prepare breakfast!


ashoo_aks said...

I liked the last version...

Imagine so may people reading that at the last page of HP7 and then laughing.. at the book.. at themselves.. at the imagination of Rowling.. I would love to see this ending..!

Unknown said...

yeah!! wouldn't it be fun!!